FAQ Question

    How can I create videos for my Falcon Online course shell?

Answered By: Arlie
Last Updated: Dec 13, 2024     Views: 44

Media Services

Our goal is to create engaging media content for the online classroom environment. From concept to completion, we will help you create content such as:

  • Welcome Videos
  • Weekly Update Videos
  • Key Concept Lectures
  • Lecture Course videos
  • Training Videos

Through the Faculty Toolset training, we will empower you to create your own screen-cast as well as videos using a Grab and Go video kit. Also, view the Video tab from the Falcon Online for Faculty InfoGuide for more resources about developing video content for your Falcon Online class shell.

Video Requests with Instructional Resources:

  1. First, you will submit a Production Request through the Unified Request System (URS) via the portal.
  2. The production manager will review the request and schedule a needs assessment meeting with you to discuss the videos:
    • Objective.
    • Style and approach.
    • Target audience.
    • Timeline.
    • Desired outcome or learning outcome.
    • Define success criteria and metrics to measure effectiveness.
    • Delivery format.
    • Schedule and scheduling responsibilities.
  3. Part of the meeting will include a tour of the studio and production environment.
  4. After the needs assessment meeting, you should begin writing your script and/or crafting your PowerPoint presentation. We will work with you to write micro-lecture scripts that are 15 min or less, as well as key concept lectures that are 5 min or less.
  5. Submit your draft script or PowerPoint presentation to the production manager for a pre-production review.
  6. The production date and time are scheduled.

Script Writing:

We ask that you use the audio/video script template from the Faculty Toolset training as your guide when writing your script. The Visual description in the left column is where you would include important screencast/screenshot/PowerPoint that you want to show on the screen. The audio/speaking portion in the right-hand column includes the audio of your voice narrating the screencast.

The Day Before the Shoot:

  1. To maximize time and ensure efficiency, your script will be loaded into a teleprompter (if one is used) the day before the shoot.
  2. PowerPoint slides also need to be delivered the day before the shoot so they can be loaded onto the presentation computer and tested.
  3. Practice reading your script out loud. Sometimes words and phrases are more difficult to say than to read. This will allow you to make any adjustments and fix tongue twisters before the day of the shoot.

The Shoot:

  1. Please arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled shoot.
  2. When you arrive, a production team member will place a lavalier mic on your shirt or jacket.
  3. You will be taken into the studio and shown the cameras and PowerPoint computer. You will be able to do a quick practice with the prompter and computer to get familiar with both. The crew will also ask you to do a mic check.
  4. The director will communicate with you over the PA (loudspeaker) from the control room. The director will give you a cue to start speaking.

What to Wear (and not wear):

Since you will be wearing a lapel mic, you should wear a jacket or a button-up shirt.

Colors & Patterns:

Solid colors work best, but avoid white. Also, avoid fine patterns like checks, herringbone, or fine stripes. These tend to create a distracting “moray” pattern on the screen.

Green Screen:

Don't wear green clothing! The color green is replaced in editing. Green clothing will make your body disappear – which can be awesome on Halloween - but generally speaking not the best look for a lecture.

Post Production/Editing:

An Instructional Resources member will edit and finalize your video.


When the edit is complete, you will be emailed a link to view the video and an embed code that will allow you to embed the video into your course.

Contact Information:

April Brunning, Production Manager
april.brunning@daytonastate.edu, ext. 3041

Kevin Lorden, Coordinator II
kevin.lorden@daytonastate.edu, ext. 3576

Erin Arthur, Coordinator I
erin.arthur@daytonastate.edu, ext. 3090