FAQ Question

    How do I get my book voucher?

Answered By: Arlie
Last Updated: Dec 13, 2024     Views: 1084

Book Vouchers
Book vouchers are available for registered students whose financial aid awards exceed the student’s tuition and fees (and any other outstanding obligations) for the current semester. Financial aid includes federal direct loans and any refundable grants or scholarships the student may be awarded for attendance at Daytona State College. Book vouchers are based upon the number of hours the student is enrolled and upon the credit balance remaining after all tuition and fees have been paid. If there is a sufficient credit balance on the student’s account, book vouchers are disbursed in the following increments:


Student is Registered For

Book Voucher Amount

1 – 5 credits


6 – 8 credits


9 – 11 credits


12 or more credits


Book vouchers may be issued for partial amounts if there is a remaining credit balance but it is not sufficient to cover the maximum amount allowed.  If a student drops classes after receiving a book voucher or otherwise becomes ineligible for the original amount of financial aid, the student will be responsible for repaying the amount of the book voucher back to the College.

To receive a voucher, a student must go online to "Accept" their book voucher and certify that they agree to the terms and conditions of the book voucher.  Once the book voucher agreement has been accepted, the information will automatically be transmitted to the bookstore and the student may go to the bookstore to make their purchases.  Please be advised that students must go to the Daytona Campus Bookstore, the DeLand Campus Bookstore, or the Flagler Campus Bookstore in order to use the voucher.

The book voucher information will be transmitted to the bookstore at multiple times throughout the day (10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 4:00 am).  Please allow sufficient time from when the book voucher acceptance is completed for the bookstore to receive the file and upload it into their system.  The last day to make purchases using a voucher is the day after the last day vouchers are issued.

The book voucher acceptance process will be open one week prior to the first date of book vouchers for the semester.  However, students must wait until at least the first day of vouchers for the semester to go to the bookstore.  Only one acceptance is needed per semester.  If the amount of the voucher changes due to a change in the number of registered hours, etc. the new amount will NOT be reflected online but the revised amount will be sent to the bookstore.  See the Important Dates section on the Student Accounts homepage for the dates vouchers are available each semester.

Here are the steps to get to the online book voucher acceptance:

  1. Go to www.daytonastate.edu.
  2. Click on the MyDaytonaState portal at the top and log in using your student id and pin.
  3. Click on the FalconNet tab.
  4. Click on Payment and Book Vouchers on the left navigation menu.
  5. Under Book Voucher Acceptance, click on View Book Voucher Information.


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