FAQ Question

    How do I figure out my Grade Point Average (GPA)?

Answered By: Roberta Enquist
Last Updated: Jun 25, 2021     Views: 82

A Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated for each semester based on the number of hours attempted per course and the grade point value associated with the letter grade. 

Example: Credit  Grade  Grade Points
English    3    A   4.0(x3)=12
Math    3    B+   3.5(x3)=10.5
Speech    3    F   0.0(x3)=00.0
Psychology     3    C   2.0(x3)=06.0
History    3    D   1.0(x3)=03.0




 Grade Point Value

  A   =   Excellent  4.0
  B+   = Very Good  3.5
  B   = Good    3.0
  C+   = High Average  2.5
  C   = Average  2.0
  D+   = Below Average  1.5
  D   = Poor  1.0
  F   = Failure  0.0
  FN   = Failure  0.0 (non-attendance prior to withdrawal date)

Total Credits: 15
Total Grade Points: 31.5
Divide 31.5 (grade points) by 15 (credits) = 2.1 GPA

Here is a free GPA Calculator on the web that will assist you in calculating your GPA, this calculation does not take grade forgiveness in to account - Click Here


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